Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Time for Equality!

I'm fed up, pissed off, and ready to rant tonight. The US Senate blocked to opportunity to vote--TO VOTE--regarding Don't Ask, Don't Tell. For the love of humanity, when is the political machine of this country--my country--going to actively abandon prejudice and bigotry?!?!

Let's have a little test.

Scenario 1: two people love each other very much and decide to get married in a church (or someplace else if you wish). They live and grow together, and eventually start a family. As time passes, one spouse grows "tired" of the relationship and seeks rejuvenation through sexual exploits with other people to whom s/he is not married. As a result of the sexual exploits, the unfaithful spouse contracts a sexually transmitted disease and is hospitalized. The faithful spouse executes his/her right as a spouse to visit in the hospital, where s/he serves papers of intent to divorce and take the children.

Scenario 2: two people love each other very much and decide to legally marry through a Justice of the Peace. They live and grow together, and eventually decide to start a family though adoption. They remain a happy, loving family for many years. Eventually, one spouse is diagnosed with a fatal illness and is admitted to the hospital. The healthy spouse visits every day and does his/her best to strengthen the family's loving bond, and also to make sure all legal documents are in order for the spouse's passing (including guardianship of the children).

Which scenario above is deemed "immoral" and "illegal" by many "socially conservative" citizens of the United States? If you are considering the potential for a homosexual relationship, then Scenario 2 is illegal, as demonstrated below.

two people love each other very much and decide to legally marry [ILLEGAL] through a Justice of the Peace. They live and grow together, and eventually decide to start a family though adoption [ILLEGAL]. They remain a happy, loving family for many years. Eventually, one spouse is diagnosed with a fatal illness and is admitted to the hospital. The healthy spouse visits every day [ILLEGAL] and does his/her best to strengthen the family's loving bond, and also to make sure all legal documents are in order [ILLEGAL] for the spouse's passing (including guardianship of the children) [ILLEGAL].

I realize Don't Ask, Don't Tell is not an issue about marriage, it is a military issue. But let's be honest, it is not just a "military" issue. It is a social issue reflecting an increasingly stubborn and ignorant moral bigotry in this great country of espoused freedom. I am truly outraged that we, as a citizenry, cannot find a middle ground of freedom and acceptance regarding homosexuality.

If anybody cares, I'm straight. Frankly, I can only hope that I will one day have a loving relationship like those so many of my homosexual friends have discovered. Love is a blessing. For the "In God We Trust" moralists I call my neighbors, consider love to be a blessing bestowed upon us by God. Our human weakness in the form of ignorance, fear, and hatred is denying love among consenting adults, along with so many legal rights associated with marriage. It is truly time for change.

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